6 Ways To Successfully Meet The Parents


So your relationship is going well and the time has come to introduce your partner to your family – or to meet theirs.  Uh-oh.

Only a handful of situations come to mind when thinking about the most nerve-wracking times you will encounter in a relationship. Meeting the parents is most definitely one of them.

As the holidays draw closer, ‘tis the season for spending time with your significant others’ family. It’s also time to start prepping. The simplest advice is of course, to be yourself. If your partner likes you, then why shouldn’t their family also think you’re totally amazing?

In an ideal world, that would be the end of this post, however it can be really hard to know how to act, especially when the desperate hope of being liked basically overarches everything.  So here are some practical tips to make a good impression:

First impressions count – smile!

Nothing is worse than if you look like you don’t want to be there

Avoid having a potty mouth

Some families are okay with swearing, some aren’t – don’t take the risk

Location, Location Location

Where you meet the parents will influence highly on how you will act. If you meet in a restaurant, or in their home – each situation differs. If you are eating with the parents or siblings, try and eat as politely as possible – don’t scoff or talk with your mouthful, just remember manners!
If you meet at their home – be mindful and respectful, follow lead from your partner, whether it be taking your shoes off or wiping your feet. The little things count!

Take an interest beforehand

Learning about who you are meeting is a must – obviously there is no need to know their favourite colour, but having a rough idea of their parents’ likes or dislikes, topics to avoid or things that could work well in conversation. Doing your research will definitely help! Plus it will help you look interested.

Not too little, not too much

Whether you are shy or confident, try and find a nice middle ground. Avoid blurting your opinion for everything said, but do try and talk!

Be yourself

Sound cheesey, but there’s a reason why you’re in this situation – you must have done something right! Be yourself and show off your personality.

Your aim is to get along with both parents and get on their good sides, but the mother or sibling(s) will usually be your ally. Dads are usually harder to win over when it comes to, say, meeting your girlfriend’s parents. This is due to the fact that you are now the main man in their little girl’s life – a responsibility he won’t want to give away lightly.

Meeting the parents doesn’t need to be a dreadful. As long as you’re animated, personable, polite, know what to say, and show respect for your partner (by respect, I mean not putting your tongue down their throat), the parents will love you.

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