Happily Ever After? From Long Distance to No Distance

The majority of people who are in a long distance relationship want to know the secrets of how to survive the distance. You come across many blog posts (including my own!) and YouTube videos from long distance couples giving advice on how to make a long distance relationship work. We all work toward the same goal: to get rid of…

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Cinderella Never Asked For A Prince

Written by Rachel Hatter We’ve all been there. We’ve all sat crying into a pint sized tub of Ben & Jerry’s with our girlfriends because our Prince Charming turned out to be just a boy in tin foil. Growing up with fairy tales we’ve all wished for a ‘spark’ or that ‘happy ending’. From Disney films to children’s stories, society…

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Learning To Be Single: How To Adapt and Thrive After A Breakup

When you break up with someone you’ve been with for a long time, it can be really really difficult. You’ve gone from sharing everything with your best friend, to having lost the person you expected to spend the rest of your life with. Some people thrive when they become newly single after a large period of time in a relationship, but…

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Testing Tinder: Is It Still Relevant?

Is it as creepy as everyone thinks? Everyone knows what Tinder is. It’s been the talk of the town since it’s arrival in our lives way back in 2012 (4 years?!). For many friends, when they heard the word “Tinder,” they would immediately scrunch up their noses in disgust. But since the app became popular, it has become a genuine way of…

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Stop Chasing The Wrong One, Cause The Right One Won’t Run

Feel like you’re constantly pining after someone who is just out of your reach? You’re chasing and chasing, yet they never seem to let you in. Sometimes you think you’re close to being with them, then out of the blue – it’s all pulled from under your feet. You’re fighting for their attention, their time, their love. You pretend you’re…

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10 Top London Date Ideas

Let’s face it, in one of the busiest, most exciting, culturally diverse and historically rich cities – sometimes a date trip to the local pub just won’t cut it. With so much to do, see and experience in the capital – where is a good place to take a date in London? To make things a little easier, here are…

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Is ‘Benching’ the new ‘Ghosting’?

Back in 2015, I wrote ‘Ghosting: The Most Brutal Form of Breakup?‘, all about being left – completely out of the blue. Come mid-2016, there seems to be a new, upcoming dating trend rearing it’s ugly head… a trend by the name of ‘Benching’. So what is Benching? Coined by Jason Chen in an article in New York Magazine, ‘benching’ is what…

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The Secret to a Happy Relationship

All good couples fight. Well, they at least disagree. They get irritated with each other now and again. But the question is: How often do serious clashes happen? How frequently do you find yourselves getting annoyed and getting in a bad mood with one another?   The 80/20 Theory Last month, Glamour Magazine published an article about the 80/20 rule – and no, it…

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Thank You

This is a post which is long overdue. Over the last two years, I have posted about a variety of subjects, all of which morphing into a dating and relationship blog. Pretty obviously, the nature of this blog is to talk, discuss and overcome issues within relationships, dating and learning to love yourself. However it was only recently that someone…

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My Own Experience of Panic Attacks

Panic Attack noun – A sudden overwhelming feeling of acute and disabling anxiety I was going to write a post about personality types and how they affect our choices and ways in which our lives differ… However whilst thinking about the very post, I’m overcome with an overwhelming sense of drowning. Breathing is becoming harder and my legs are turning to…

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When is a Mistake Unforgivable?

Sometimes, even in the best relationships, we make mistakes – we’re only human after all. We mess up, do stupid things, regret (or don’t regret) the things we do which ultimately hurt the people closest to us. With different levels of patience, forgiveness and ability to understand, when it comes to matters of the heart, how far should we go to…

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8 Ways Normal Guys Get Extraordinary Girls

People love to analyse couples don’t they? We’ve all been there, when we intentionally or unintentionally judge relationships – especially if they’re outwardly confusing.  If there’s a mismatch in any way, whether it be style, appearance, success or otherwise, we hear them talking. When someone sees a beautiful, strong woman with someone they label as an average Joe, they start…

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Leaving University: A Year on

A year ago  in Adjusting to the Change, I wrote: “Everyone tells you how hard leaving University is.  You even fully expect it to be hard. But it turns out you can’t really comprehend the bizarre mixture of very real feelings you have when actually going through your first steps into the real world. Leaving friends, the town or city…

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Dating Lessons We Learnt From Sex & The City

18 years ago,  Sex and The City hit our screens for the first time, and we fell in love. The four women who encompass all women, through 94 episodes, showed us every dating scenario and every mistake you could ever make with every type of man.  From throwing shoes at the TV because of Mr. Big, or getting irritated by Carrie’s selfishness or…

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8 Guaranteed Ways to Get The Girl

So you’ve met a pretty cool girl, she’s funny, cute and doesn’t seem like a total-psycho. You actually like her. But you don’t want to scare her off, or be friend-zoned indefinitely. I can think of only a handful of men in my life who exhibit every single one of the traits below, every time I meet them, and it’s amazing…

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Learning To Juggle (Everything Life Throws At You)

With so much to do, and so little time, life often pushes us into situations where we are compelled to handle a lot all at once. Commitments, priorities, work, social activities, you name it – invariably when you have lots to juggle, you struggle. Please do excuse the rhyme. Things may start to slip, and you find yourself giving up things…

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The Biggest Dating Mistake: The ‘Checklist’

Focussing on hitting every single tick box in our partner ‘checklist’, is possibly the biggest mistake a singleton can make when dating. Everyone has one. Whether it is subconscious, or written down: most people have a checklist of character or personal traits which they look for in another person when dating. If the person they come across does not tick…

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Why Getting Back With Your Ex is a Bad Idea

For every broken heart out there, this one is for you… At the beginning stages of a breakup, almost everyone wants to be with their ex, no matter how cruel or terrible this person was. Here are eight reasons why you shouldn’t go back there… You Broke Up For a Reason Research has proven time and again that when it…

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Long Distance: The Home Stretch

The biggest learning curve from being in a long distance relationship, is that you shouldn’t have one just because you have the opportunity to do so. You both need to commit to it, fully and completely. If you are a regular follower of Never Settle, then you will know from Is There Such a Thing As Bad Timing, I never…

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How To Get Over Your Partner’s Sexual History

  Let’s face the facts — the guy or gal you’re with has probably had sex with someone else. Perhaps more than you’d like. Perhaps in crazy ways which you presumed happened only in the most exclusive S&M clubs of cities. Nonetheless, if you want to be with your partner, it’s your moral imperative to get over it. No one’s going to say that it’s easy to deal with your…

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