Knocking my fav, LELO’s Hex, off the top of the charts… Hanx condoms are officially the best condom on the market.
Who are Hanx? Never heard of them?
HANX was made with women in mind. No flashy packaging or over-the-top features, just condoms that women want. Made with 100% natural and fair trade latex, their vegan certified condoms are ultra-thin and clean scented. HANX condoms are packaged in premium boxes, with neutral matte foil – fitting nicely in your handbag.
Endorsed by medical professionals throughout Europe, the ultra-thin vegan condoms are designed to make you feel good.
HANX provides women with certainty when it comes to your sexual health. A luxury condom brand for stylish, savvy women, empowering people around the world to think differently about sexual wellness.

The Verdict
I actually can’t believe that there is a condom which tops the LELO Hex – which I included in my top 10 Sex Toys at the beginning of the year. Hanx are, remarkably, another level.
Let me tell you why…
1/ Super easy to open and put on. You’re getting jiggy with it, you reach to grab a (Durex) condom, you go to tear it… but it won’t open. You turn it to tear a different way. Nope. Feck – you try your teeth but it just won’t open. Moment ruined. Let me tell you this, you will NOT have this issue with Hanx. They are super easy and swift to open (and get on!). No awkward moments = win.
2/ Beautiful, discreet packaging. Not that we should ever be ashamed – but Hanx makes carrying condoms so much more feminine and glamorous. It’s a luxury product.
3/ Ultra thin feel and clean scented. I can’t emphasise how much this is a big deal. Some condoms just have a really …odd… smell. Hanx are clean scented and super thin feel. They are comfortable for both the man AND woman.
4/ No itchiness or UTIs. They’re not only kinder to you, but also the planet. Made with 100% natural and fair trade latex, Hanx condoms are vegan certified and don’t contain glycerin, which can cause urine infections.
5/ No toxic chemicals. You may not necessarily think “what is in my condoms?” – and most of which you can’t even pronounce – but unlike conventional condoms, Hanx are made from natural rubber, cornstarch powder and silicon oil, & they use a vegetable binder thistle extract. HANX is also free from parabens, synthetic colourants and fragrances.
I can’t recommend Hanx condoms enough.

Some other pros of Hanx vegan condoms…
You know that moment when you flip over a box at the pharmacy, you check out the ingredient list, and you’ve never heard of half the ingredients, or been able to pronounce them. When this box is condoms, it’s pretty scary: we’re putting those foreign ingredients into our vaginas. Let’s be real, we’re pretty sensitive down there and with good reason, our vaginas have their own little ecosystem and we need to protect their natural balance. Natural condoms and organic condoms can help you maintain your natural flora, while chemicals used by most condom companies can put that natural balance at risk.
Why aren’t conventional condoms great? Well, they contain some pretty awful ingredients…
Nitrosamine, which can cause tumour growth
Though research hasn’t indicated it can cause cancer, Nitrosamine can trigger tumour growth. The use of Nitrosamine has even attracted the attention of the World Health Organisation who asked condom brands to consider removing it from their manufacturing process, as it’s an unnecessary ingredient.
Glycerin, which can trigger yeast infections
Glycerin is a very popular lubricant added to condoms, that when left in the vagina can transform into sugar, which feeds yeast. Uuugh yeast infections aka. thrush are the absolute worst – it seems completely ridiculous to put something into our vaginas that’s going to increase our chances of having one of these painful infections. The worst part is, legally condom brands don’t have to put this on the packaging.

Spermicides, which can increase your risk of catching an STI
Nonoxynol is the most common spermicide, which is designed to kill the little swimmers. Unfortunately, Nonoxynol also damages healthy cells along the vaginal wall making you more susceptible to an STI in the future. Oh and an added bonus, you’re also more likely to get a UTI. Yeah, ya heard it here first, spermicides suck.
[Read: Research Reveals 58% Of UK Adults Have Never Had A STI Test]Benzocaine, a local anaesthetic which can mess with your hormones
Benzocaine is added to condoms to make men last longer as it minimises sensitivity. It is also an endocrine disruptor, which means it messes with the hormone messaging system that regulates some bodily functions like sleep and your sex drive. Unfortunately, the more you’re exposed to it, the greater the impact on your hormones.

Casein, a milk protein which isn’t suitable for vegans or people with dairy allergies.
If you’re vegan or trying to live a cruelty-free lifestyle, then most condoms aren’t aligned with your values. Even if you want to minimise the animal products you’re consuming/using, conventional condoms are a good place to start. Whilst none of these ingredients pose an immediate danger to your health, many of them cause problems over a longer period of time and are something to be wary of.
The chemical input is the bare minimum and is the exact level needed to ensure our condoms are safe. Aside from these necessary traces, HANX is free of glycerin, spermicides, benzocaine, and casein. HANX is also free from parabens, synthetic colorants and fragrances.
Fancy a try? It’s RRP £12.99 for a pack of 10. To purchase, visit the Hanx website
All products shown were gifted to me by Hanx Condoms for review. All opinions are solely my own.