Never Settle Has Rebranded To Settled!


Hello my lovely readers, gosh it’s been a while. It’s nearly 2024!

This year, 2023, I have rather disastrously written all of one blog post. At the end of 2022, I wrote Is it Time to Quit Never Settle? and how I’m feeling that Never Settle feels slightly ironic, as I embark into a year of marriage, having our house and a steady career. It’s been a long time since I’ve written freely. I know this is partially due to feeling like I have less time – planning a wedding, working and commuting to London, life getting in the way, but also likely due to not needing this safe space on the internet in the same way I used to. I kept making excuses.

Having essentially taken a year off writing, I’ve come to the realisation that whilst yes, I had less time, and yes, I don’t need Never Settle in the same way as I used to, I actually don’t feel that the blog has aligned to where I am in my life anymore. It felt stuck in time, whilst I was moving on. It felt like 24 year old me in website form. I’m nearly 30 now.

My “safe space” no longer was my space because I out-grew it. That was the issue. When I first started the blog, it was “Eve’s Blog”, then became “Never Settle” way back in 2015. 7 years on, I felt completely trapped by the “brand” I’d created – the blog no longer felt like it was for me anymore. However, like all things, I’ve evolved and so should my blog. There’s no point it just sitting here on the internet (whilst I pay for hosting and security etc each year), why not make it a space which aligns to where I am in my life now? Somewhere which more accurately portrays and reflects where I am as we move into 2024.

This is why I’ve rebranded, I’ve not settled for less, but I am most certainly: Settled.

I’m excited to start afresh, especially as I embark on the most exciting adventure I’ve had to date… I’m going to be a mother!

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Thank you loyal followers for always being so dedicated, as I’m sure you’ve all grown up- so have I, and so has

Welcome to… Settled.

I hope you enjoy!

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1 Comment

  1. Nick
    January 3, 2024 / 5:57 pm

    Absolutely lovely Eve. You are a shining star and will continue to be so. Lots of love Nick xxx

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