The immortal words which can only signal imminent doom, “We Need To Talk“. But don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s me...
We’ve all likely heard it at some point or another. But readers, I need to talk to you openly and honestly.
It’s been ages since I’ve written a post. It’s been even longer since I’ve written freely and about something that I’m super passionate about.
If I’m totally honest, I feel like I’ve completely lost my Never Settle mojo.
Maybe it’s because I have so many things going on in my life outside the blog, or just because I’m in a new chapter of my life now where I don’t always look to Never Settle for a little solace and safe haven from the stresses of day-to-day life. However, I think it’s because I’ve become detached from the blog and why I started it. Ever since winning the UK Blog Award 2019, I’ve kind of given up on Never Settle, like that was the ultimate achievement and it was time to hang up my blogging coat for good.
Which is so bloody infuriating!!! ‘Cause I never started Never Settle to win awards or have brand collaborations or sponsored posts – that is a lovely lovely bonus, but not the reason.
I won’t bore you with the reasons I started Never Settle again, just pop over to my About section and read all about it, but it was to really help people – not to overtly give advice or rant about myself, as some presume, but to just help people not feel alone in their relationship and dating problems.
When I was looking for something myself before I started the blog, I never found what I needed to read: just kind of careless half-hearted articles or common sense lists – not what I really felt. I felt alone in it. So I created something that I would have loved to stumble across when I felt crippled with matters of the heart.
However recently, I’ve got a bit caught up in things irrelevant to Never Settle in the attempt to help brands and new start-ups, as well as ensuring I had “something” out per week. I wasn’t being true to Never Settle and that reflected in my writing. I love helping people – perhaps a little too much – and in this case, to the detriment of my own work.
So I’ve let you, my lovely loyal readers, down.
This is not a plea for compliments of “you haven’t let anyone down”, because I have – I’ve not been true to genuinely helping people and I’ve not only let you down, I’ve disappointed myself.
If I came across Never Settle now – I’d probably not recognise it. It’s turned into every other website which dishes out lists of “5 Ways To…” and “Sponsored” posts.
Of course this isn’t a one-post mission to ruin all future brand collaborations, I LOVE the brands I work with – and specifically source toys which are body-safe and encourage removing taboos around female pleasure. I just need to be even more picky and considered about the content I choose to post.
The point I’m making, and what I want to say, is that Never Settle is changing for the better. Outside of work and the blog, I’ve embarked on my Professional Counselling Qualifications, so I will be continuing to work on that, and open and restore Never Settle’s horizons, in a different and more professional light.
Criticism has come oh so easily to me for this blog, and I’ve stuck with it through thick and thin. Unfortunately I think most bloggers get some level of hatred from those who don’t think it’s “cool” enough, or maybe don’t possess the creative capacity to comprehend it, or maybe simply don’t understand the person behind the screen.
So for anyone who blogs and has received snide or unfounded remarks, or back-handed compliments, about their blog, or comments from people who just hate to simply hate – keep going! I know so many of you who have AMAZING blogs and get so downhearted, just like me, because of feedback. Sometimes it’s lack of feedback – often we can feel like we’re writing into the ether and no-one is even listening. But you’re doing fantastically, so don’t let anyone bring you down.
As for Never Settle, expect to see more regular posts, on “New Post Sundays”, bringing it back to it’s roots: good old freely written posts, designed to make you feel good.
I’ve got some big plans for Never Settle, and I’m not just saying that!
Sending love and luck to you all, and thank you, as ever, to all who have supported me.