Don’t Be Sad That It Ended, Be Happy That It Happened

As I sit on the long journey back to London from Aberystwyth, where I have just spent a gorgeous week’s holiday relaxing, eating and seeing my boyfriend, I can’t help but feel quite sad about saying ‘goodbye for now’ again. Being in a long distance relationship, saying goodbye for a period of (sometimes unknown) time, kind of comes with the…

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Ghosting: The Most Brutal Form of Break Up?

So you’ve been seeing someone for a few weeks, you’ve been on a few dates, been round their house; you may have even slept together. Then all of a sudden – radio silence. Out of the blue, you no longer hear from them, they’ve disappeared off the face of the earth. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a classic example of…

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My Biggest Insecurity : Taking Off My Makeup

Whether or not women choose to wear make-up has recently become a subject of great contention: from those supporting women not needing to wear make-up, to those declaring that it is not a need, it’s something they actively want to do. Either way, I guess that for myself wearing make-up is both – a want and a necessity. I love…

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Single? Get Out There: Confidence, Conversations and Approaching People

With the gradual influx of dating websites and apps, it is becoming increasingly apparent that we are slowly losing the ability to actually meet people in the real world. Now don’t get me wrong, plenty of people I know have met their partners on Tinder or, as it is a great way of meeting new people. However single pringles…

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20 Mistakes It’s Okay To Make In Your 20s

Your twenties are arguably the biggest chunk of time in which you make (and learn from) a multitude of mistakes. We all get het up and worry when we make mistakes – from the small to the large. However, life is a classroom and often having these hiccups is the best way of progressing, growing and realising what you really…

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Take Me Back To Uni Please?

Nothing quite compares to the intense FOMO feeling you get when browsing your Facebook newsfeed this time of year. For many students, it’s fresher’s week: a time for boozing, partying, meeting new friends and generally realising how fun independence is. But for us graduates it’s a time for reminiscing on some of the best moments of our lives. Not to…

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The Quarter-Life Crisis

Despite being the age of opportunity and adventure, it is easy, in your late teens and early twenties, to get caught up in your own life’s trajectory. With the rise of social media, it has never been easier to compare your achievements, goals and individual situation with the people around you. During a period of significant change, whether it be…

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Finally Taking My Own Advice

I have a terrible tendency, despite all my posts on this blog, to completely do the opposite of what I suggest as advice. I fail at cutting out people that make my life harder, I struggle with going with the flow in relationships and I really suck at adjusting to change. I feel like a bit of a hypocrite. However,…

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7 Types of People to Avoid When Dating

The Empty Promiser They say they’ll take you to dinner; they say they’ll meet your friends; they say they’ll remember your birthday… but it’s all a lie. This type of person loves to say they’ll do things, but in reality when it comes to actually doing it, they seem to fail miserably. Symptoms of dating this type may include constant…

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The Fear of Getting your Heart Broken

Relationships can be exciting, fulfilling and fun, however for even the biggest romantic, in the back of your mind lingers the little voice of cynicism warning you about letting your guard down and running the risk of getting your heart broken. For those who are all too familiar with the feeling of losing someone, and the time it takes to…

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Officially a Londoner!

So Sunday 16th August I moved to London! An extremely exciting time, mainly because as much as I love my parents, going back to living with them post-university was very strange. Moving to London, I have regained my independence and only have a 30 minute door-to-door commute to work. I am now living with three lovely girls, one of whom…

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The Long Distance Relationship

The long distance relationship (LDR) is probably the most contentious and intriguing when it comes to types of relationships. Some people doubt them, some refuse to be in them and pretty much everyone agrees that they are not ideal. However an increasing amount of couples seem to be embarking on the challenge that is the LDR. And for good reason.…

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Know your rights: Internships & Work Placements

Nothing infuriates me more than the debate about unpaid internships and placements. As you may have read in my previous post, ‘The importance of Internships: tips, myths and getting your dream job’, I am most certainly pro-work placements: they are a fantastic way of gaining valuable experience and could even land you a job. What concerns me is the lack…

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Defining The Modern Day Non-Relationship

  Non-Relationship – The grey area in between taking the plunge into a committed relationships and platonic friendship. Often due to indecision on the part of one or more parties involved. Symptoms may include: Holding hands, non-committal sex, spending an inordinate amount of time together, flirting on text messages. One of my close girlfriends and I recently discussed the dynamics…

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Always Compromise, but Never Settle

Mid-way through watching a certain reality television show last week, I found myself thinking about people’s tendencies in relationships. The couple in question had been together for five years, and clearly loved each other very much. However they were also extremely controlling over one another, angry and clearly unhappy. The trust between them just wasn’t there. As much as this…

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Is There Such a Thing as Bad Timing?

It’s funny how we have to sometimes suffer through terrible relationships, to truly appreciate a good one when it comes along. ‘Bad timing’ is often used as an excuse to give up prospective relationships, due to the effort, time or inconvenience involved. However why give up something that could have so much potential to bring you happiness? People you would…

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Adjusting to the Change

Everyone tells you how hard leaving University is.  You even fully expect it to be hard. But it turns out you can’t really comprehend the bizarre mixture of very real feelings you have when actually going through your first steps into the real world. Leaving friends, the town or city you love, or starting an unfamiliar job in an unfamiliar…

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The Power of Friendship

I have been graced with many friends throughout my twenty one years. From primary school to university, I have been fortunate enough to meet some of the most extraordinary, amazing people in my life. At school I met the girls that remain some of my best friends, and although I do not see them every day, I know they are…

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The Importance of Internships: Tips, Myths and Getting your Dream Job

I have gained all of my internships through hard work, determination and sheer tenacity. I knew absolutely no one in the media world who could hand me an internship on a plate. I went to a state all-girls grammar school and contrary to popular belief, I found them incredibly easy to secure. Why are internships important? Not only does an…

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Some People Are Anchors, Some Are Sails

I find it incredible how much people (myself included) are willing to put up with when it comes to certain people. I think everyone has that one person in their life that they’ll put up with more crap from, accept the rudeness, or just let them bring you down. It’s fair, in my opinion, to divide people into one of two categories:…

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